FluShot. Landing Page

As Covid remains on the surface, influenza vaccination becomes a norm and a requirement for students who go back to school. This requirement created stressed for not only students, but also parents with young kids. FluShot. is created to simplified the appointment process for parents to make appointment for their kids.


Persona Research, UI/UX Design


3 Weeks




With global pandemic continues to arias, influenza vaccination becomes a requirement to go to school. The goal of this project is to study the design pattern of the health care genre, and to explore ways to improve the health care website.


I spent 3 weeks researching the design pattern and design genre to create a landing page which leads parent to schedule flu shot appointment directly through website.

Solution Preview

Mobile Version

Mobile Version Landing Page

Frame 2.jpg

Tablet Version

Tablet Version Landing Page

Frame 3.jpg

Desktop Version

Desktop Landing Page


User Persona

This is Lisa!

I’m so busy...I’m working from home with kids. I want to leave and book the flu shot appointment for my kids, but I should stay here and finish my work.


Lisa is a mother of 2 kids, and she is 45 years old. Lisa is an English Department Head in her High School, before COVID, her daily routine starts with driving her sons to school. As an English Head in school, Lisa has 4 classes to teach, and around ten instructors and faculties are trained under her lead.

During Shelter in place, she has to teach English Literature on Zoom, hold daily meetings with school teachers and administrators, and also, she has to respond multiple messages from parents every day. For her, working from home means she has no free time at all, yet she has to keep her 2 sons on track of school work, as well as keep the household clean.


Lisa has a really busy schedule, and she does not have time for herself. Lisa wakes up at 6 in the morning to prepare her lectures for class. At seven, she prepares breakfast for her kids and make sure they are following the school work. Lisa starts her lecture at 8 am, and from 8 till 4, she needs to be on Zoom meetings with her class and faculties. After 4, when typical school ends, she has to grade the homework while responding all the questions she got from parents and from her students. Despite of Lisa’s busy schedule, she still make sure her kids fulfill all the requirements from school.


What Lisa needs is to have her schedule organized. Schools now required students to get a flu shot, with her busy schedule, she has no extra time to take her sons to the clinic and wait in a long line. Lisa needs to know which facility to go to, she also needs the appointment booking process be as short as possible because she has so much work needs to be done.



FluShot. is the site allows users to come learn about flu shot and allows user to book an appointment easily.

I did multiple sketches to brainstorm the possible solution, I picked one design and did 3 versions of it, the desktop version, tablet version and a mobile version. The goal is to create a appointment website, which allows audiences like Lisa to quickly sign up and book the appointment.




I decided to bring out my landing page using Figma, following the design patterns from the sketches I did.

All versions of the landing page start with big photo with huge caption to bring audience’s attention.

Some of the key elements in this landing page is Call to Action, information section, appointment booking form, and testimonial.

User Flow

User is expected to come to the FluShot. site with the thoughts of wanting to find where to get a flu shot. The first thing they will see is the big caption and the call the action button, as they scroll down, the users will learn more about flu shot, and the steps of using the website to book an appointment. The page with the sign up form is where the user would be able to type in to info, select the date, and book.

Screen Shot 2020-11-15 at 2.48.43 PM.png

Caption, Subtitle, and Call to Action


At this page, the users can type in to information and book a flu shot appointment.


Visa Me


Chore Galore Game - Human Centered Design